Installing the VS Code Extension

In order to use SemanticDiff with Visual Studio Code you need to install our extension first. We offer several ways how to install the extension.

The installation is quite simple, just follow these steps:

  1. Launch Visual Studio Code or Codium
  2. Open the Extensions tab
  3. Search for SemanticDiff
  4. Click on Install

Here you can see how it looks like in practice:

SemanticDiff VS Code Installation

Installation via Visual Studio Marketplace

Alternatively, you can go to the Marketplace page of our extension and follow the installation instructions there or download the extension (*.vsix) for offline installation.

Note that our package files are only valid for the operating system for which they were created. Make sure you select the correct operating system and processor architecture when downloading.

Installation via Open VSX

Our extensions are also mirrored at Open VSX, an open alternative to the Visual Studio Marketplace. Similar to above, you can manually download the packages for SemanticDiff here (*.vsix, make sure to select the correct package for your operating system and processor architecture) and then install them locally.