
Find the plan most suitable for you.

Always free
for 3 seats
Always free
for 3 seats

For small teams of up to 3 members and open source projects.

Diff Features
  • Public Repositories
  • Private Repositories
  • Community Support
    Via our public issue tracker
per seat
and month
per seat
and month
Start 14-Day Trial

For teams of 4+ members who want to optimize their code reviews.

Everything in Free, plus:
Review Experience
  • Prioritized Processing
    Your pull requests are processed immediately so you can start reviewing them right away.
  • Premium Support
    Priority support via email

FAQs for the GitHub App

What programming languages are supported?
The currently supported languages are C#, CSS/SCSS, Go, Java, JavaScript/JSX, Python, Rust and TypeScript/TSX. SemanticDiff can also be used with the data exchange formats JSON and gettext .po files.
Can I try the GitHub App without installing it?
Yes, you can go to and enter the URL of any public pull request to test it. Some features, such as writing comments, are only available if the repository maintainer has enabled our App.
What are seats?
Our GitHub App requires seats for all developers whose pull requests in private/internal repositories are to be analyzed. Free seats are assigned automatically the first time a pull request from a GitHub user is analyzed.
What happens when I run out of seats?
If you run out of seats, only pull requests from authors with seats assigned will be analyzed. You can either upgrade your plan or remove an existing seat assignment to make room for new pull request authors.
Does the GitHub App work with GitHub Enterprise?
Our GitHub App works right out of the box with GitHub Enterprise Cloud. If you are using the self-hosted GitHub Enterprise Server, please contact us to determine the best solution for your needs.
Do you offer plans for students and non-profit organizations?
Depending on the size of your team, you may qualify for a free plan or a discount. Please contact us from your student/work email with proof of eligibility, details about the project, and how many seats you need.
How do you keep my GitHub repositories private?
To view the contents of private repositories in our GitHub App, users must sign in using GitHub OAuth. All communication with GitHub is then done through their OAuth token, which enforces permission checks.
How do you keep my code secure when using the GitHub App?
We take code security very seriously and have implemented various measures to protect your data, such as encryption, audit logs, and more. Feel free to reach out to to learn more.

Have a question?

Want to know more about a feature or have special requirements? Don't hesitate to contact us. We are here to answer your questions or find a solution together.

Get In Touch