Review GitHub PRs with a language aware diff

Don’t let refactored or reformatted code slow down your reviews. SemanticDiff hides irrelevant changes, detects moved code and refactorings in TypeScript, Python, Go, Rust, C# and more.

No credit card required.

SemanticDiff detects how code was moved

Supports 14+ programming languages and data exchange formats:

Hides Irrelevant Changes

SemanticDiff filters out whitespaces changes, optional commas, and more.

Detects Moved Code

SemanticDiff detects moved code, even if it contains additional changes.

Detects Refactorings

SemanticDiff groups similar changes to help you understand refactorings.

What is SemanticDiff for GitHub?

SemanticDiff for GitHub combines the benefits of a language aware diff with a tight integration into the GitHub review system. Review pull requests without the noise of a standard diff, create review threads, and approve changes - all from an editor-like interface in your browser. Just activate the GitHub App on your GitHub organization or repository and your team can start using SemanticDiff.

Hover or tap to learn more

Thread List

See all review threads of the current pull request with their state. Click on them to jump to their location in the code.

GitHub Pull Request

View all relevant information about the pull request without leaving SemanticDiff. If needed, you can switch to GitHub with a single click.

Submit Reviews

Request changes, write a comment or approve a change without switching to GitHub.

Diff Without Noise

Review code without the noise introduced by added/removed line breaks, reordered attributes, escaping of characters and more.

Review Comments

Write review comments that are immediately synchronized with GitHub.

Interactive Diff

Hide changes in code comments, expand / collapse context or jump between changes.


Get an overview of the changes and see how code was moved.

Focus On Important Changes
Style changes are hidden in SemanticDiff
Focus On Important Changes

SemanticDiff uses a language aware diff to filter out irrelevant changes from your GitHub pull requests. Review changes without the noise of added/removed line breaks, optional commas, unnecessary parentheses and more.

  • Hides irrelevant changes
  • Option to hide changes in code comments
Handle Refactored Code With Ease
SemanticDiff detects refactorings
Handle Refactored Code With Ease

Reviewing pull requests with complex refactorings can be challenging. SemanticDiff helps by detecting moved code blocks and other typical refactorings. Save time by seeing all changes related to a variable rename grouped together and whether moved code contains other changes.

  • Moved code detection
  • Refactoring detection
Write Comments
SemanticDiff detects how code was moved
Write Comments

Found something that should be changed? Write a review comment without leaving the SemanticDiff interface. You can switch between both interfaces at any time and all your comments will be there.

  • Create/edit/delete comments
  • Immediately synchronized with GitHub
  • No vendor lock-in
Review Pull Requests Of Any Size
File list in SemanticDiff
Review Pull Requests Of Any Size

SemanticDiff helps you navigate even the largest pull request by showing changes file-by-file, providing a way to mark files as reviewed and giving you an overview of the changes using our minimap. The interface remains responsive even if you review hundreds of files with tens of thousands of changed lines.

  • Review file-by-file
  • Mark files as reviewed
  • Get an overview with the minimap
No Configuration Required
SemanticDiff post install hints
No Configuration Required

Just install our App on your GitHub organization and your team is ready to use SemanticDiff. We use GitHub OAuth based authentication and authorization to ensure only your collaborators have access without having to manually set up any permissions.

  • Access permissions managed through GitHub
  • Works out of the box

Want to give it a try? It's free!

The free version can be used with both public and private repositories.
No strings attached (no credit card required, no timelimit).