
After installing our GitHub App on an organization or a personal account, you will be asked to select a plan. This plan determines what features are available and what limits are placed on the repositories associated with that installation. The most important limit is the number of seats available for contributors opening private pull requests. If you run out of seats, you won’t be able to use SemanticDiff to review private pull requests from contributors without a seat.

Note: The following steps can only be performed by an admin of the GitHub organization (or the personal account) associated with the installation.

Upgrade a plan

If you need more seats or a feature from a different plan, you can upgrade an installation at any time. Simply select Installations from the navigation bar and select the installation you wish to upgrade. Here you can see your current plan, the enabled repositories and how your seats are allocated.


You may want to check the list of contributors to determine how many seats you need. SemanticDiff automatically suggests the total number of contributors (or at least 5) when you upgrade a plan, but this may not be the optimal number. You may want to adjust the number down if some contributors are no longer active or up if your team is about to grow.

Click Upgrade Plan to begin the upgrade process. Choose the number of seats, billing interval and enter your contact and payment information. Once you complete the process, your payment will be processed by Paddle and your new plan will be activated within a few minutes.

Change a subscription

If you want to change the number of seats or downgrade an installation, click on your avatar and select the Billing entry. This will bring up a list of installations that have an active subscription.

User Billing

Here you can see the price and next billing date of your subscription and you can adjust the number of seats. Other options, such as canceling your subscription or updating your payment information, are available from the More dropdown menu.

Note: SemanticDiff is targeted at teams. Plans are always associated with installations and not individual users. You cannot purchase individual licenses.